Evil people do not want to serve anyone. Especially, they do not want to serve God. They only care about their own pleasure. They do not pray because they say, ‘We will not benefit if we pray. Prayer is a waste of time.’

Job did not behave like them. He was glad to serve God (Job 1:5; Job 2:3). He would pray even if he received no benefit from his holy life. And he did not care if evil people lived better lives than him. He would not obey wicked people’s advice (Job 2:10; Psalms 1:1). Job respected God. And Job loved God. God mattered more to Job than Job’s wealth. In fact, God mattered more to Job than anything else.

Wicked people do not often suffer

v17 But wicked people do not often suffer for their evil deeds. God does not often punish them. v18 God does not often scatter them, like dust in a storm.

v19 Perhaps God will punish a wicked man’s children. But God should punish the wicked man himself, so that the man learns to behave better. v20 Then, the wicked man will suffer his own punishment. And the wicked man will know that God is angry with him. v21 When the wicked man is dead, he does not care about his family.

v22 But I cannot teach God. God is the judge of even the most important people. v23 One man died when he was strong, safe and happy. v24 Even his dead body seemed as if it was healthy. v25 Another man had a bitter life. He never enjoyed anything good. v26 But the two bodies lie together in the grave. And the tiny animals in the soil destroy both bodies.

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