This idea made Job afraid. Job did not suppose that it is better to be evil than to be good (verse 16). Job was a holy man. He always tried to do the right things. He wanted to please God.

But Job had to explain this idea in order to answer Zophar.

Wicked people succeed

v7 Wicked people live successful lives. They grow old. They become powerful. v8 They see that their children are successful. v9 The houses of wicked people are safe. They are not afraid. God does not punish them. v10 Their animals mate. Their cows give birth without problems.

v11 And wicked people have many children. The little children dance. v12 And the children enjoy music. The children enjoy musical instruments, like the harp, tambourine and flute.

v13 So, wicked people have good lives. And, wicked people die without pain. v14 They say to God, ‘Go away! We do not want to obey your laws. v15 We do not care about God. We do not want to serve him. If we pray, we gain nothing.’

v16 But they did not deserve to be successful. This is why I refuse to obey a wicked man’s advice.

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