Formerly the most important people would gather to listen to Job. And they respected Job greatly.

But now, the worst youths would gather to see Job. They would insult Job. And they would laugh at him.

Job had known the fathers of these youths. But the fathers did not impress Job. Job would not employ them. They were too lazy. They did not want to work.

These fathers were not responsible men. Perhaps they were drunks. Perhaps they were always asking other people for money. So the people in the city forced these men to leave.

These youths were like their fathers. They swore. They insulted Job. They laughed at him. And they caused trouble.

And these youths even thought that they were better than Job.

Job’s enemies are like an army

v12 They are like an army that attacks a city. And I am like that city.

• The army comes from my right side. The soldiers make traps. They place ladders against the city walls. v13 They destroy the roads. They will succeed. They do not need anyone to help them. v14 Then, the city’s walls break. The soldiers rush in to destroy the city.

v15 So, I suffer great terror. Nobody still gives honour to me. My honour was like wind that blew far away. And my security was like a cloud that disappeared.

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