Job’s three friends acted as if they were wiser than Job. But Elihu was humble. If Job replied, his words would not upset Elihu. And Elihu would not be angry if someone proved him to be wrong. Elihu wanted to know the truth.

Elihu sympathised with Job. Elihu reminded Job that they were both ordinary men. The Bible says that God made man from the earth (Genesis 2:7).

Someone may say, like Elihu, that they are speaking by the Holy Spirit. But we should not just agree with their words. We should remember that people may also speak by evil spirits. Or a person may make a genuine mistake. That person may think that he is speaking by the Spirit. But really, his ideas might come from his own mind. So, we need to use the Bible to check the person’s words. We need to check that such a person believes the truth about Jesus. And we need to pray about that person’s advice. See 1 John 4:1-3.

Job should not accuse God

v8 But Job, you spoke. And I heard your words.

v9 You said, ‘I am honest. I am not evil. I am innocent. v10 But God accuses me. God acts as if I am his enemy. v11 I am like a man in prison. And God watches everything that I do.’

v12 But you are not right. God is greater than we are. v13 Do not accuse God! Do not say that he never answers our words. v14 God speaks in many different ways.

But we do not always hear him.

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