God created our lives. And God could suddenly end our lives. But God is kind. He loves us. So he allows people to live so that we may choose to know him (Acts 17:27-28). Peter wrote that God is patient. Today, God is waiting so that people have the opportunity to trust him. But in the end, God will destroy the world (2 Peter 3:9-10).

God is the judge of rulers

v16 Job, if you are wise, then listen! Think about my words!

v17 If God were not fair, he would not rule the world. You cannot accuse him. He is fair. And he is strong.

v18 God is the judge of kings and rulers. He decides whether they are evil. He decides whether they are fools.

v19 God is not afraid of important men. He is fair to everybody, whether they are rich or poor. He made them all.

v20 The people die suddenly. During the night, they die. Even powerful people die, although no man killed them.

v21 God watches our behaviour. He sees all our actions. v22 No place is so dark that evil people could hide there from God.

v23 God does not need to choose a time when he will be the judge of men. v24 He does not need to ask questions before he ends the rule of important men. And he replaces them with new rulers. v25 He knows the deeds (of evil men). In the night, he overcomes them totally. v26 He punishes them in public for their evil actions. v27 He punishes them, because they were not loyal to him. And they refused to obey his commands. v28 Such men caused poor people to cry to God. And God heard the cries of those poor people.

v29 But even if God is silent, nobody can complain. Nobody can force God to act. v30 So he may appoint a wicked man to rule a nation, although that man is cruel to the people.

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