But God does not always stop the rule of evil men immediately. Sometimes he allows evil men to rule nations. We should pray (1 Timothy 2:1-2). But we should not complain that God allows such men to rule. Instead, we should trust God. We should obey God rather than men (Acts 4:19).

There are many evil rulers. We might think that God should end their rule. But God allows some evil things to happen now. He is patient with the people of this world. He is waiting:

• for people to confess their evil deeds to him (2 Peter 3:9)

• for Christians to declare God’s message to the people of all nations (Matthew 24:14)

• for God’s plan about the people of Israel to be complete (Romans 11:25-26)

• for Christians to know the freedom that comes from God’s Holy Spirit (Romans 8:18-22)

• for the time when God has chosen for Jesus to return (Mark 13:32).

A man who confesses his evil deeds

v31 A man might say to God, ‘I am guilty. But now I shall stop my evil deeds. v32 Show me my errors. If my actions were wrong, I shall not do these things again.’

v33 Job, tell me whether God should punish such a man. You seem not to like God’s behaviour. So you should decide, not me. Tell me, if you know!

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