Eliphaz was partly right. God punishes evil people. And God protects good people. But Eliphaz’s thoughts were too simple.

Job was suffering. But Job was an innocent man. So, Eliphaz’s words could not help Job. Instead, Eliphaz’s words upset Job.

Many good people suffer now, on this earth. But they will not suffer in heaven (Revelation 21:14). Some evil people are successful on this earth. But nobody will be successful in hell. God knows everybody’s thoughts. God sees our secret plans. And God is a fair judge.

God does not always punish evil people immediately, because God is kind. God does not want anybody to suffer in hell. God sent Jesus to suffer the punishment for our evil deeds. And God will forgive us. So, we must confess our evil deeds to God. And we must trust God.

God does not always rescue good people immediately. Sometimes a good person will suffer, like Job. That person should be patient (James 5:11). Perhaps God is testing that person. Or perhaps God is teaching that person. God is like a father who teaches his children (Hebrews 12:5-11). Or perhaps that person’s troubles are the work of evil people (Matthew 5:11-12). God knows about all these things. God cares about us. And God is making us perfect (Job 23:10; 1 Corinthians 13:10-12).

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