These verses are difficult to understand. In the EasyEnglish translation, we have put some words in brackets (…). These words are not in the original Book of Job. We have included these words to help you to understand one possible meaning.

Some people think that fire actually came from the animal’s mouth. But no real animals can do this. And the other animals in God’s speech all seem to be real animals. So we do not agree with such people. Instead, God was describing what seems to happen. In other words, if a crocodile approached a man, this would be his experience:

• First, the man would hear the crocodile. The sudden noise would surprise the man.

• The man would look to see what animal made the noise. But he would not see the animal immediately. He would see the water that reflects the light. Then he would see the crocodile’s eyes.

• There would be water, like steam, in the air round the crocodile. This water would look like smoke. And the water would reflect the sunlight. So the man might think that a pot was boiling. And the light might look like a fire.

• Then the man would realise what he was watching. And the crocodile would start to leave the water.

• The man may be curious to see the crocodile. But he would also be very afraid.

The adventure continues: You see the whole crocodile

v22 The crocodile’s neck is so strong. And everyone is afraid. v23 Even the fat parts of the crocodile’s body are thick and firm. v24 The upper parts of the crocodile’s body are strong, like rock. Or, like stone.

v25 Even strong men are afraid when they see a crocodile. When it moves, they run!

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