EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries
John 16:1-33
John tells the Good News about Jesus
Gospel of John
Marion Adams
Chapter 16
Jesus continues to teach about the *Holy Spirit 16:1-15
v1 ‘I have told all this to you so that these troubles will not destroy your *faith. v2 Men will force you to leave the *synagogues. In fact, the time will come when they will kill you. And they will think that this pleases God. v3 They will do these things to you because they have not known the *Father or me. v4 When the time comes, you will remember my words. I have told this to you in order to warn you. I did not tell these things to you earlier because I was with you.
v5 But now I am returning to the *Father, who sent me. However, none of you asks me, “Where are you going?” v6 Instead, you are sad because I have said these things to you. v7 But I tell you the truth. It is for your benefit that I am going away. The *Holy Spirit cannot come to you unless I go. But after I have gone, I will send him to you. He will help you.
v8-9 The *Holy Spirit will come. He will convince the people in this world about *sin, God’s *righteousness and his judgement. v9 The *Spirit will convince them that they are wrong about *sin. This is because they do not *believe in me. v10 Also, the *Spirit will convince them that they are wrong about God’s *righteousness. This is because I am going to the *Father. And you will not see me again. v11 And the *Spirit will convince them that they are wrong about God’s judgement. This is because he has already *judged the ruler of this world (the devil).
v12 I want to tell much more to you. But, at this time, it would be more than you can understand. v13 When the *Holy Spirit comes, he will show to you the truth about God. He will guide you, so that you will know the whole truth. He will not tell you his own ideas. He will tell to you only what he has actually heard. He will tell to you about what will happen in the future. v14 He will bring *glory to me. He will tell to you the meaning of what I say. v15 Everything that belongs to the *Father also belongs to me. That is why I am telling this to you about the *Spirit. The *Spirit tells you the meaning of what I say.’
Verses 1-3 Jesus warned that the *Jewish leaders would *persecute *Jewish *Christians. He did not want this to surprise his *disciples. They would continue to *worship God in the *synagogue because they were *Jews. But Jesus knew that the *Jewish leaders would not allow this, because of the *Christians’ *faith in Jesus. This was because the *Jewish leaders had *rejected Jesus. They did not believe that he was God’s Son. They thought that Jesus was insulting God. So they would think that God wanted Jesus’ *followers to die. And these leaders believed that to kill Jesus’ *followers pleased God. These leaders belonged to the only religion that *worshipped the one real God. But they did not really know him.
Verses 4-7 The *disciples were very sad because Jesus was leaving them. They could not think about anything else. They did not understand what Jesus’ death would mean. They had asked him about it before (John 13:36; John 14:5). But they worried only about themselves. They did not know what to do after he had left them.
But Jesus had to leave them. He had to die. Otherwise, there would be no *salvation for us. He had to defeat death. Otherwise, there would be no *resurrection for us. And he had to return to his *Father in heaven, so that the *Holy Spirit could come to us. Then everybody who *believed in him could know him personally, by means of the *Holy Spirit.
Verses 8-11 Jesus explained what the *Holy Spirit would do. Jesus used the idea of a court of law (see note on John 14:15-16). The *Holy Spirit would convince the people in this world that they were wrong about three important matters.
1. *Sin. When people *reject Jesus, they are *rejecting God. This is *sin. The *Holy Spirit convinces people that they are guilty of this. If people realise this, they will confess their *sin to God. They will ask him to forgive them. They will accept Jesus as their *Lord and *Saviour.
2. God’s *righteousness. The *Holy Spirit shows to people that God is completely good and *holy. He is always right and fair. By our own efforts we can never be as good as God wants us to be. But Jesus is completely good and *holy. All that we have to do is to *believe in him. Then his *righteousness becomes our *righteousness. Jesus’ death and *resurrection made this possible. The *Holy Spirit came to us after Jesus returned to heaven. And the *Holy Spirit teaches us about God’s *righteousness.
3. God’s judgement. Jesus’ death on the *cross did not mean that the devil had defeated God. No! The *cross was the place where God defeated the devil *forever! Jesus’ death and his *resurrection took away the devil’s power over us. Jesus defeated both *sin and death. God has *judged and he has *condemned the devil.
Some people think that they can continue to *sin. They think that they can *reject Jesus. And that, if they *reject Jesus, there will be no judgement. But this is not true. Already God has *judged the devil, because the devil *rejected him (God). And in the future, God will *judge all people.
Verses 12-13 The *disciples still felt sad because Jesus was leaving them. Jesus had told them why, but they did not really understand. But he promised that the *Holy Spirit would show to them the truth of all his words. The *Holy Spirit would show to them the truth about who Jesus is. The *Holy Spirit would help them really to understand the truth about God. This was the same truth that Jesus had taught.
And this happened! After the *disciples had received the *Holy Spirit, they told the truth about Jesus to many people. They explained why he had to die on the *cross. They talked about his *resurrection and how everybody can have new *life by means of *faith in Jesus. They spoke with authority and power. They remembered the *miracles that he had done. They remembered also the exact words that he had spoken to them. They were able to understand what he meant. And the writers of the *Gospels recorded all this as the *Holy Spirit guided them. So we can be sure that the Bible is completely true.
The *Holy Spirit can help us, too. The *Holy Spirit will help us to understand what we read in the Bible. He will show to us how it affects us in our own lives. If we ask God, he will speak to us in our spirits. Particular words or passages of *scripture may then have a special meaning for us personally. The *Holy Spirit will guide us as we read. Also, he will help us to know what is right or wrong in our attitudes and our lives.
‘He will tell to you about what will happen in the future’ (verse 13). This did not mean that the *Holy Spirit would give to them the power to know everything about the future. But they would know what God wanted them to do. They would know that people would oppose them. But God’s message about *salvation would spread across the world.
Jesus tells us to use his name when we pray 16:16-33
v16 ‘Soon, after a short period of time, I will go away. Then you will not see me. But, soon after this, you will see me again.’
v17 Some of his *disciples said to each other, ‘We do not understand this. He says that soon we will not see him. And then, soon after this, we will see him again. He also says that he is going to the *Father. We do not understand what he means.’ v18 They were saying, ‘He says, “soon” and “after a short period of time”. We do not understand what he means.’
v19 Jesus realised that they wanted to ask him about this. So he spoke to them.
‘I said, “Soon, after a short period of time, you will not see me. But, soon after this, you will see me again.” You are asking each other about these words. But you do not understand what I mean! v20 I tell you the truth. You will cry and you will be sad. But the people in this world will be happy. You will be sad. But afterwards, you will be happy. v21 A woman has great pain when her baby is being born. But after her baby is actually born, she forgets about her pain. She is so happy that a child has been born into the world. v22 You will be like this woman. You are sad now. But I will see you again. Then you will be happy. Nobody can take away that happiness.
v23 At that time, you will not ask me any questions. I tell you the truth. The *Father will give to you whatever you ask for in my name [see note on John 14:13-14]. v24 Until now, you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive. Then you will be completely happy.
v25 I have used *symbols to tell you about these things. But the time will come when I will not use *symbols like these. I will tell you plainly about the *Father. v26 When that time comes, you will ask in my name. I will not have to ask the *Father on your behalf. v27 The *Father himself loves you, because you have loved me. And also you have believed that I came from God. v28 I came from the *Father into the world. And now I am leaving the world. I am returning to the *Father.’
v29 Then Jesus’ *disciples said, ‘Now you are speaking plainly. You are not using *symbols. v30 Now we realise that you know everything. Nobody needs to ask you any questions. So we believe now that you came from God.’
v31 Jesus answered, ‘So you believe me. That is what you say. v32 But a time is coming when all of you will scatter. In fact, that time is already here! Each of you will go to his own separate place. You will all leave me alone. But I will not really be alone. The *Father is with me. v33 I have told this to you so that you will have *peace inside your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have trouble. But be brave! I have defeated the world!’
Verse 16 Jesus knew that, a few hours after this conversation, he would die. Then, the *disciples would not be able to see him. But, three days later, he would show himself to the *disciples. He would be alive again and they would see him.
Verses 17-18 Jesus had warned them before about his death. But they did not understand that he was referring again to his death. They did not ask him what he meant. Instead, they talked to each other about it. Probably, they were tired because it was late at night. And Jesus had said many things that they did not understand. So they were confused.
Verses 19-20 So Jesus explained what he meant. He told them that they would feel very sad. The events that would happen soon would upset them greatly. Then they would be sad, because he would not be with them. But while the *disciples wept, many other people would be happy. They would be happy because they hated Jesus. They had wanted him to die. But the *disciples would not be unhappy for a long period of time. After three days, they would see Jesus again. Then they would be very happy, because he had defeated even death!
Verses 21-22 Jesus used a familiar example to show to them how they would feel. He compared the situation with the events during and after a birth. The woman has much pain during the birth. But after the baby is born, she is very happy. She is happy because a new life has begun. Jesus used this idea of a birth on purpose. We can have *life that was not possible before, because of Jesus’ death and *resurrection. Jesus suffered. But his pain produced new *life for the whole world.
Jesus promised that his *disciples would see him again. And nobody would be able to take away their happiness. This promise is true for us, too. When we know Jesus personally, he gives us joy inside our hearts. This happiness does not depend on our circumstances, or on what other people do. It depends on Jesus, who will never leave us. So nobody can take this happiness away from us.
Verses 23-24 Before Jesus’ *resurrection, people could approach God only by means of the priests. Only the priests could offer *sacrifices. But after Jesus’ *resurrection, this situation changed completely. Jesus became both the priest and the *sacrifice for all who *believe in him. All *Christians can approach God personally and he will accept us. This is not because of anything good that we have done. It is because of what Jesus has done. We can use Jesus’ name when we pray (see note on John 14:13-14). And God will answer our prayers. Then we will be happier than we can imagine.
Verses 25-30 Jesus had used many *symbols when he was talking to his *disciples. At the time when he was speaking, they did not understand the meaning. But after his *resurrection, and when the *Holy Spirit came, they understood. Already, at this time, they were beginning to understand. They believed that Jesus knew everything. He knew what people were thinking. And he knew what they were like inside their hearts. They had seen that Jesus had God’s power in him. So they believed that he had come from God. But when the *Holy Spirit came, their *faith would really increase much, much more.
Verses 31-32 Jesus had warned them that he had to die. He had told them that they would be very sad. Also he had told them that, after a short period of time, they would see him again. Then they would be very happy. He knew that, in just a few hours, people would arrest him. His *disciples would run away because they were afraid. They would leave him and they would hide themselves. It would seem that he would have to suffer alone. But actually, he was not alone because the *Father was still with him.
Verse 33 That night, Jesus had talked to the *disciples about many things. He had warned them, but mostly he had encouraged them. He had made some wonderful promises. They would have trouble, but they would only be alone for a short time. Then Jesus would return to them. Afterwards he would return to the *Father, so that the *Holy Spirit would live in them. The *Holy Spirit would be with them always, wherever they went.
These wonderful promises are for all *Christians. We will have troubles in this world, too. But Jesus has defeated the devil. And Jesus has defeated everything that is evil. He has defeated even death. We do not need to be afraid about anything. We can have this *peace in our hearts always, whatever happens to us.
holy ~ what God is like. God’s character: perfect, completely good with nothing bad in it. Separate from sin.sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
faith ~ to *believe in someone or something; to be really sure about the things of God and Jesus.
synagogue ~ the building where Jews met locally to worship God.
Jew ~ a person who is born from the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (see the Book of Genesis); a person who follows the religion of the Jews.
worship ~ to give thanks and honour to God and Jesus. To show to him that we love him very much.
Father ~ God. Jesus taught us to call God ‘Father’. All Christians are God’s children.
father ~ someone whom a person respects and follows; an ancestor. The Jewish leaders said that Abraham was their father. But Jesus said that the devil was their father, instead!
Christian ~ a person who *believes in Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.
ancestor ~ person in the past from whom one’s parents came.
Jewish ~ the word that describes a Jew or anything that belongs to the Jews. The ‘Jewish leaders’ were a group of important Jews who lived in Judah.
Saviour ~ someone who will bring us back to God from the bad things that we have done. Jesus is the only person who can save us from the results of our sins. However, sometimes people used the word ‘Saviour’ as a title (name) for rulers or false gods.
Lord ~ the name for God or Jesus in the Bible. It means that he is above all other things.
Jew ~ a person who is born from the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (see the Book of Genesis); a person who follows the religion of the Jews.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
righteousness ~ moral goodness.
Spirit ~ see Holy Spirit.
spirit ~ there are good spirits called angels. There are also evil spirits who work for the devil. They are alive but we cannot see them. Also, the spirit means the part of a person that continues to live after the death of the body.
holy ~ what God is like. God’s character: perfect, completely good with nothing bad in it. Separate from sin.
angel ~ God’s servant who takes messages from God to people on the earth. Angels live with God in heaven.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
judge ~ to decide whether a person is guilty, usually in a court of law.
glory ~ everything that makes God great and beautiful. A bright light that comes from God or Jesus to show that they are beautiful and holy.
holy ~ what God is like. God’s character: perfect, completely good with nothing bad in it. Separate from sin.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
Jewish ~ the word that describes a Jew or anything that belongs to the Jews. The ‘Jewish leaders’ were a group of important Jews who lived in Judah.
Jew ~ a person who is born from the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (see the Book of Genesis); a person who follows the religion of the Jews.
persecute ~ to do bad things to a person in order to oppose that person’s beliefs.
Christian ~ a person who *believes in Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.
Saviour ~ someone who will bring us back to God from the bad things that we have done. Jesus is the only person who can save us from the results of our sins. However, sometimes people used the word ‘Saviour’ as a title (name) for rulers or false gods.
Lord ~ the name for God or Jesus in the Bible. It means that he is above all other things.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
disciple ~ a person who wants to do the same things as another person and to learn from them. Jesus had disciples. John the Baptist had disciples, too.
Baptist ~ a person who baptises people.
baptise/baptism ~ to put a person into water, or to put water on a person; it is to show that the person wants to obey God. Christians receive baptism as a sign that they want to follow Jesus.
Christian ~ a person who *believes in Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.
Saviour ~ someone who will bring us back to God from the bad things that we have done. Jesus is the only person who can save us from the results of our sins. However, sometimes people used the word ‘Saviour’ as a title (name) for rulers or false gods.
Lord ~ the name for God or Jesus in the Bible. It means that he is above all other things.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
worship ~ to give thanks and honour to God and Jesus. To show to him that we love him very much.
Jew ~ a person who is born from the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (see the Book of Genesis); a person who follows the religion of the Jews.
reject ~ not to accept or not to believe in someone or something.
follower ~ a person who accepts another person as their guide and their teacher; like a disciple.
disciple ~ a person who wants to do the same things as another person and to learn from them. Jesus had disciples. John the Baptist had disciples, too.
Baptist ~ a person who baptises people.
baptise/baptism ~ to put a person into water, or to put water on a person; it is to show that the person wants to obey God. Christians receive baptism as a sign that they want to follow Jesus.
Christian ~ a person who *believes in Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.
Saviour ~ someone who will bring us back to God from the bad things that we have done. Jesus is the only person who can save us from the results of our sins. However, sometimes people used the word ‘Saviour’ as a title (name) for rulers or false gods.
Lord ~ the name for God or Jesus in the Bible. It means that he is above all other things.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
salvation ~ when God rescues us from the power and the results of our sins.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
resurrection ~ to come back to life after death.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
Lord ~ the name for God or Jesus in the Bible. It means that he is above all other things.
Saviour ~ someone who will bring us back to God from the bad things that we have done. Jesus is the only person who can save us from the results of our sins. However, sometimes people used the word ‘Saviour’ as a title (name) for rulers or false gods.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
holy ~ what God is like. God’s character: perfect, completely good with nothing bad in it. Separate from sin.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
cross ~ two pieces of wood that someone has fixed together. Roman soldiers fixed people to crosses in order to kill those people as a punishment. Jesus died on a cross. The cross is now the sign of the Christian church.
Roman ~ a person from Rome. Rome was an important city. The Emperor and the government lived in Rome. Roman describes everything that belonged to Rome.
Christian ~ a person who *believes in Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.
church ~ (1) All Christians everywhere. (2) The members of a local group of Christians.
Emperor ~ the chief Roman ruler.
Saviour ~ someone who will bring us back to God from the bad things that we have done. Jesus is the only person who can save us from the results of our sins. However, sometimes people used the word ‘Saviour’ as a title (name) for rulers or false gods.
Lord ~ the name for God or Jesus in the Bible. It means that he is above all other things.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
forever ~ always.
condemn ~ to decide that someone is guilty and that the guilty person should suffer punishment.
life ~ the quality that a person has, because that person is alive. In John’s Gospel, it means to be completely alive in our spirits. When we *believe in Jesus, we receive this life as a special gift. When we have this life, we can live to please God. It is the best way to live.
Gospel ~ one of the 4 books at the beginning of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They record Jesus’ life.
New Testament ~ the last part of the Bible, which the writers wrote after the life of Jesus on the earth. It is about the things that Jesus did. And it is about the things that he taught. It is also about the church and what Christians should believe.
church ~ (1) All Christians everywhere. (2) The members of a local group of Christians.
Christian ~ a person who *believes in Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.
Saviour ~ someone who will bring us back to God from the bad things that we have done. Jesus is the only person who can save us from the results of our sins. However, sometimes people used the word ‘Saviour’ as a title (name) for rulers or false gods.
Lord ~ the name for God or Jesus in the Bible. It means that he is above all other things.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
miracle ~ wonderful works that only God can do by his power. A wonderful event that shows that a person’s message is from God.
Gospel ~ one of the 4 books at the beginning of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They record Jesus’ life.
New Testament ~ the last part of the Bible, which the writers wrote after the life of Jesus on the earth. It is about the things that Jesus did. And it is about the things that he taught. It is also about the church and what Christians should believe.
church ~ (1) All Christians everywhere. (2) The members of a local group of Christians.
Christian ~ a person who *believes in Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.
Saviour ~ someone who will bring us back to God from the bad things that we have done. Jesus is the only person who can save us from the results of our sins. However, sometimes people used the word ‘Saviour’ as a title (name) for rulers or false gods.
Lord ~ the name for God or Jesus in the Bible. It means that he is above all other things.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
peace ~ when a person is calm in their mind and in their spirit, even if they have problems.
sacrifice ~ a gift to God to ask him to forgive sins; or a gift to thank him for something. The Jews killed animals as sacrifices. This word also means to make a sacrifice.
sin ~ not to obey God. Sins are the wrong things (or evil deeds) that we do against God and other people.
Jew ~ a person who is born from the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (see the Book of Genesis); a person who follows the religion of the Jews.