These men divide Christians in a church. They form groups that disagree with one another. They upset people. They offer no real *pity or love to anyone.

Advice for Jude’s readers

v20 But you are my *dear friends. So carefully develop your lives on the firm base of your most holy trust in God. And pray much with the constant help of God’s Spirit. v21 Keep yourselves in the centre of God’s love for you. And wait patiently for our *Lord Jesus Christ kindly to share more and more of his life that never ends. v22 Pity those people who are unsure about their beliefs. v23 There are other people who need your help. Be very cautious about how you deal with them. It is like when someone pulls a person out of a fire. It is easy to hurt yourself as you do this. There are also other people who need *pity. They are living evil lives. So you should feel fear as you help them. You must hate even their clothes as if their wicked lives have made the clothes dirty.

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