Some people’s cases need more urgent action. Jude uses the picture language of someone who pulls a burning stick out of the fire (Zechariah 3:2). Rescue from total loss is still possible.

• Loyal believers need great care not to find their own *faith in danger. It is like someone who catches a patient’s disease. They were trying to help the sick one back to health.

• Another word picture speaks of God’s mercy (*pity). It is like a gift of clean clothes (Zechariah 3:4). God can forgive a person whose *faith is in great danger. And he can bring that person back to himself.

A declaration of *praise

v24 Praise our wonderful God! He is always ready to protect you from the false teachers. God in all his *glory will accept you as the perfect gift to himself. And all believers will share in God’s great joy. v25 He is the one and only God. And it is he who saves us by Jesus Christ our *Lord. To God alone belong *glory and *majesty. And power and authority. This was true before all ages. It is true now. And it will be true always. *Amen. Yes!

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