EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries
Jude 1:24-25
Most of Jude’s letter has been about the wicked behaviour of evil people. And about the danger that such people are to true believers.
But now Jude ends his letter on a much happier subject. He reminds his readers that their God is always their *all-powerful guard. He will defend them against every evil attack.
• Jude wants to shout his final words to his Christian friends. God is so wonderful! He has done so much to prepare his loyal people to share in the family home in heaven.
This has always been God’s great purpose from the beginning (Ephesians 5:25-27).
• The ‘perfect gift’ is a reference to certain perfect animals. Only these were fit for the priest to *sacrifice on the *altar (Exodus 29:38; Leviticus 1:3 and Leviticus 3:1).
This was picture language for the real perfect *sacrifice. That was the death of Jesus the *Messiah on the Cross (1 Peter 1:19-21; Ephesians 1:4-7; 1 Thessalonians 3:13).
Because of the *sacrifice of Jesus, God allows us to come to him. And we can come without fear or shame. Although such attitudes would seem more suitable because of our weak human character.
• God does much more. We come to share great joy – God’s great joy as well as our own.
A happy human family share love and joy with each other at home. That gives us a little glimpse of what our home in heaven will be like. We are members of the family of God the Father. We will know all the love and joy of that family in our future home.
Jude gives a list of four of God’s qualities.
God’s *glory is the splendid beauty and wonderful light of his most holy character.
God’s *majesty refers to his royal rule, which is universal.
God’s power is that of absolute control over his world. That power makes it certain that he will overcome all his enemies.
God’s authority refers to the way that he provides for his people. He provides everything that his people need. God passed on this authority to Jesus (Matthew 28:18).
Jude uses the words ‘before all ages’ and ‘now’ and ‘always’. These words are the best that we have to refer to the past and the present and the future (Hebrews 13:8). The words emphasise God’s total and complete command of everything.
The final ‘*Amen’ is the *Hebrew word of agreement. It means ‘Yes, certainly, let it be so’. From the earliest days of the church, ‘*Amen’ has regularly ended words of prayer and *praise to God.
pity ~ kindness, help and sympathy.'New Testament ~ the final part of the Bible. It contains 27 books from the time of the first Christians.
Greek ~ the original language of the New Testament.
New Testament ~ the final part of the Bible. It contains 27 books from the time of the first Christians.
tribe ~ group of the later family of one father.
disciple ~ close follower of a teacher.
apostle ~ one of the twelve (12) men that Jesus sent to continue his work. They became the first church leaders. So the word ‘apostle’ became the title for someone who established churches across the world.'Old Testament ~ the first part of the Bible. It contains 39 books, all from before Jesus was born.
covenant ~ the special personal agreement that God made with the Israelites (Exodus chapter 24).
Israelites ~ Jews; people who belong to the 12 tribes of Israel.
Jews ~ people who belong to the 12 tribes of Israel.
tribe ~ group of the later family of one father.
Israelites ~ Jews; people who belong to the 12 tribes of Israel.
Jews ~ people who belong to the 12 tribes of Israel.
tribe ~ group of the later family of one father.
calm ~ the quality that makes a person content, even when that person suffers. Or, the source (origin) of that quality.'dear friends ~ special friends to whom one shows love.
grace ~ God’s free gift that we do not deserve and cannot earn.
Lord ~ God’s name in the Bible; a title for Jesus to show that we respect him as our God and master. In Hebrew, ‘Lord’ means ‘head over all’ and ‘God always’. The Greek translation of this word means ‘master’.
Hebrew ~ the original language of the Old Testament.
Greek ~ the original language of the New Testament.
Old Testament ~ the first part of the Bible. It contains 39 books, all from before Jesus was born.
New Testament ~ the final part of the Bible. It contains 27 books from the time of the first Christians.
faith ~ trust in God.
angels ~ God’s servants in heaven.
idol ~ home-made image of a god.
Hebrew ~ the original language of the Old Testament.
Old Testament ~ the first part of the Bible. It contains 39 books, all from before Jesus was born.
Egyptian ~ a person from the country called Egypt, or anything that has a relationship with the country called Egypt.
spiritual ~ matters about the spirit (thoughts, belief) rather than physical matters (body).
prophet ~ a holy man who can speak by the power of God’s Holy Spirit.
bark ~ tough skin of the trunk (main stem) and branches of a tree.
planet ~ large round object in the sky that moves about a star.
glory ~ the splendid beauty and wonderful light of God’s most holy character.
Jews ~ people who belong to the 12 tribes of Israel.
tribe ~ group of the later family of one father.
sabbath ~ the seventh (7th) day in the week; a rest day for Jews.
Jews ~ people who belong to the 12 tribes of Israel.
tribe ~ group of the later family of one father.
AD ~ years after the birth of Jesus Christ.'dear friends ~ special friends to whom one shows love.
disciple ~ close follower of a teacher.
influence ~ power to direct and control people and events.
praise ~ words to give honour to God.
majesty ~ royal rule.
Amen ~ final word that signals agreement.'all-powerful ~ with absolute power.
sacrifice ~ a gift of value to give honour to God.
altar ~ the place where priests burned sacrifices as gifts to God.
sacrifice ~ a gift of value to give honour to God.
Messiah ~ Old Testament title for Christ.
Old Testament ~ the first part of the Bible. It contains 39 books, all from before Jesus was born.