Asaph was a leader of the singers at the time of King David (1 Chronicles 6:39). He also wrote some of the Psalms in the Bible. His *descendants were the singers in the *temple.

Although the king lived far away in Persia, he wanted to know about the people in *Judah. He had a special interest in the work of the *temple. The king had given royal authority to Ezra about the *worship in the *temple (Ezra 7:11-26).

v25 Some of the *descendants of Judah lived on their land in the villages. Some lived in Kiriath Arba and the villages near it. Some lived in Dibon and the villages near it and some lived in Jekabzeel and the villages near it. v26 Some lived in Jeshua and some lived in Moladah. Some lived in Bethpelet. v27 Some lived in Hazarshual and some lived in Beersheba and the villages near it. v28 Some lived in Ziklag and some lived in Meconah and the villages near it. v29 Some lived in Enrimmon and some lived in Zorah. Some lived in Jarmuth. v30 Some lived in Zanoah and some lived in Adullam and the villages near these towns. Some lived in Lachish and the land there. Some lived in Azekah and the villages near it. So all these people lived in the area between Beersheba and the valley called Hinnom.

v31 The *descendants of Benjamin from Geba lived in Michmash, Aija, Bethel and the villages near Bethel. v32 Some lived in Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah, v33 Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim, v34 Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat, v35 Lod and Ono. They also lived in the valley called ‘The valley of skilled men’.

v36 Some groups of the *Levites from *Judah lived among the *descendants of Benjamin.

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