The first people that Nehemiah wrote about were the chief priest and the other priests. They did not think that they were too important to help. They were good models to the rest of the people. The Sheep Gate was probably near the *temple. Some people from other cities, like Jericho, also helped to build the walls.

v3 The sons of Hassenaah built the Fish Gate and they put its beams in place. They put the doors in the gate. They fastened the locks and they put the bars into position. v4 Meremoth, the son of Urijah and grandson of Hakkoz, repaired the next part of the wall. Next to Meremoth, Meshullam made repairs. He was the son of Berekiah and was the grandson of Meshezabeel. Next to Meshullam, Zadok, son of Baana, made repairs. v5 Some men from Tekoa repaired the next section. But their leaders refused to do the work of God.

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