So the people had the special holiday of the shelters in the 7th month of the year. It lasted from the 15th day of the month until the 22nd day (Nehemiah 8:14-18). It was a happy holiday.

Two days later, they gathered together again. This time they were sad. They did not eat any food. The people also wore rough clothes and they put dust on their heads. This was to show that they were sad and sorry for their *sins. They were ready to pray and to confess their *sins to God.

The people wanted to serve and to obey the real God. They said that they were sorry for their *sins. They even confessed the *sins that their *ancestors had done. They listened to the book of the law of God for another three hours. Then they *worshipped God and they confessed their *sins for another three hours.

The people also separated themselves from all foreigners. Most foreigners served other gods, which were not real gods. God had warned the *Jews that they must not follow the ways of the foreigners. And God’s people must not serve other gods instead of the real God. So God warned them to separate themselves from all foreigners. God had sent their *ancestors into *exile because they had served other gods.

At other times, some foreigners wanted to *worship the real God. God allowed them to join with his special people the *Jews. For example, Ruth was from Moab, but she became an *ancestor of Jesus (Ruth 1:16; Ruth 1:22; Ruth 4:13-17; Luke 3:23-32).

v4 Some *Levites stood on the steps and they called out with loud voices to the *Lord their God. Their names were Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani and Kenani.

v5 Some *Levites also spoke to the people. Their names were Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah and Pethahiah. They said,

‘Stand up and praise the *Lord your God.

The *Lord has always lived and he will continue to live always.

We praise you, *Lord. You are magnificent.

You are much greater than we can ever say!

v6 Only you alone are the *Lord.

You made the sky.

You made the highest heaven and all the stars.

You made the earth and everything on it.

You made the seas and everything in them.

You make everything continue to live.

All who live in heaven *worship you!’

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