The *Jews wandered in the desert for 40 years. During this time, almost all the adults who left Egypt died. Although the people often did not obey God, God was still looking after their families. He led them into the country that he had promised to give to them. And he made them into a great nation. God allowed the *Jews to defeat all the nations who lived in the country.

So the people entered the country to live in it. The people found that the land was good to produce crops. There were already good cities and houses in the country, which the *Jews did not have to build themselves. They did not have to dig wells because the previous people had already dug wells. The people enjoyed many good things for which they did not have to work. God gave all these good things to his people in their new country (Deuteronomy 6:10-12; Joshua 21:43-45).

v26 ‘But they did not obey you.

They refused to do what you told them to do.

They turned away from your Law.

They killed your *prophets

who warned them to turn back to you.

They did very evil things to insult you.

v27 So you allowed their enemies to defeat our *ancestors.

These enemies caused them much trouble.

When this trouble happened,

our *ancestors cried to you for help.

And from heaven, you heard them.

And, because you are very kind,

you gave them leaders to save them.

These leaders rescued them from their enemies.

v28 But as soon as our *ancestors had peace,

they did wicked things again.

So you let their enemies overcome them.

You let their enemies rule over them.

But our *ancestors turned and they cried to you again.

And, from heaven, you heard them.

You rescued them many times,

because you are very kind.

v29 You warned them to obey your Law again.

But they became proud

and they did not obey your commands.

They did evil things that were against your rules.

If a man obeys your rules,

he will live.

But our *ancestors turned against you.

They became unwilling to obey you.

They refused to listen to you.

v30 For many years, you were patient with our *ancestors.

By your Spirit, you warned them by your *prophets.

But our *ancestors would not listen.

So you let the people from other countries overcome them.

v31 But because you are so kind,

you did not destroy our *ancestors.

You did not leave them.

You are a kind God, although people do not deserve your kindness.’

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