So the people in Nehemiah’s time remembered their history. They remembered that God had been kind to their *ancestors. So they praised God. God always does everything that he has promised to do. They realised this fact. So they thanked God. And they asked God to help them in their present troubles. They knew that God was right and fair to punish his people. They knew that they too had behaved like their *ancestors. They and their leaders had not obeyed God’s laws. Although the people were living in *Judah again, they still had to serve the king of Persia. They felt like slaves in their own country because they had to give much of their harvest to a foreign king. So the people appealed to God to help them.

v38 ‘Because of all these things, we are making an agreement that nobody can change.

We are writing down this agreement. Our leaders, our *Levites and our priests are signing it.’

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