Do not attack your enemy! Do not fight him! Instead, trust God! God will protect you. Pray for your enemy! Love your enemy!

Jesus taught this lesson in Matthew 5:43-48. While Jesus was dying, he prayed for his enemies (Luke 23:34). And Jesus forgave a criminal who insulted him (Mark 15:32 and Luke 23:39-43).

Your enemy might be upset when you help him. He does not want to accept your kind gifts. He might continue to insult you. But God sees that your actions are right. And God will reward you.

v23 The wind brings rain.

A secret whisper brings an angry reaction.

v24 One man lives on the corner of his roof.

His life is better than the man who lives with an arguing wife.

v25 Good news from abroad is like a cool drink.

Both comfort a tired person.

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