V1 A wicked person runs away, even if nobody is chasing him.
But good people are as bold as lions.
V2 A country of evil people has many rulers.
But with one wise ruler, a country has security.
V3 A strong, poor man might cheat weak, poo... [ Continue Reading ]
A wicked man has a bad conscience. And he does not trust God. So a
wicked man has no hope for the future. And he is afraid of many
But the good man has a good conscience. He trusts God. The good man is
not afraid that he might lose his money. He knows that God will
provide. The good man is... [ Continue Reading ]
An evil country has many rulers. This is because evil people hate each
other. So they oppose each other and they fight for power. Such a
country is never at peace.
But a good country has one ruler. The people respect their ruler. And
the ruler is fair. So that country is a good place to live.... [ Continue Reading ]
Sometimes a poor man becomes powerful. But he might not use his power
fairly. He might be very cruel. He does not remember that he is like
the other poor people. He thinks that he is better than them. So he
cheats them. He acts as if they are his slaves.... [ Continue Reading ]
If you respect the law, then you do not want evil people to succeed.
You want to stop their evil plans. If their evil plans succeed, then
everybody will suffer. And other people will not respect the law.
Especially, the police should oppose the plans of wicked people.... [ Continue Reading ]
Evil people do not know how to be fair. They do not even see why
someone should want to be fair. But if you respect God, you will be
fair with everybody.
V6 It is better to be honest and poor, than to be rich and evil.
V7 If you obey the law, then you are a wise son.
But if you are greedy, you ca... [ Continue Reading ]
Perhaps you can become rich by an evil method. Perhaps you can get
more money if you lie to people. Or perhaps you have another evil
scheme to increase your wealth.
But your evil deeds will ruin your relationship with God. See Isaiah
59:1-2. People can do many terrible things for money (1 Timothy 6... [ Continue Reading ]
Money does not tempt everybody. Food and drink can tempt some people.
In the second line, the son upsets his father. This is because the son
only wants to eat. This son is greedy. And he does not care about
other things. He does not even care about God’s law.... [ Continue Reading ]
This wealthy man is an evil man. He lends money. But he does not
charge fairly. So he obtains a big income. And the people who are in
debt will suffer. (See Exodus 22:25.)
But, in the end, the wealthy man will die. Perhaps his son will be
generous. And perhaps his son will care about poor people.... [ Continue Reading ]
An evil man refuses to obey God’s law. And even his prayers are
evil. Perhaps he prays that his evil plans will succeed. Or perhaps he
prays to an evil god. The true God hates these prayers. So God will
not answer this man’s prayers.... [ Continue Reading ]
A man may have evil plans against good people. But God cares about
good people. God will not allow evil plans to succeed. Instead, the
evil man will suffer from his own evil schemes.... [ Continue Reading ]
This rich man thinks that he is wise. He thinks this because he is
wealthy. So he supposes that he is wiser than other people.
But the poor man who is wise knows the truth about the rich man. This
poor man knows why the rich man is wealthy. This rich man is wealthy
because he cheats poor people. If... [ Continue Reading ]
We want good people to succeed. We want good people to be in the
government. And we want our rulers to serve God. Then our country will
be a good country.
But if wicked people are the rulers, then the country is a bad place.
The law is not fair. Everybody suffers.
So we should pray for our rulers... [ Continue Reading ]
This is a very important lesson. You must confess your evil deeds to
God. You must invite God into your life. God will forgive you, because
of Jesus. You cannot stop your evil behaviour by your own efforts. But
God will help you. Trust God now! Do not delay!... [ Continue Reading ]
If you respect God, then God will help you. And you will become wise
(Proverbs 1:7).
But some people refuse to obey God’s message. They do not invite God
into their lives. They continue their evil deeds. They do not want God
to help them. The Book of Proverbs calls these people ‘fools’. God
will be... [ Continue Reading ]
Lions and bears are strong animals. They attack. And they kill.
A wicked ruler is like these animals. He does not care about his
people. He only cares about himself. He will attack his own people. He
will even kill his own people. And the people are weak, so they cannot
defend themselves.... [ Continue Reading ]
A ruler should not be cruel. He should not attack his own people. If
he does, he is not wise. A ruler needs his people to protect him from
his enemy.
The ruler’s own people hate a cruel ruler. So this cruel ruler is
A wise person is honest. He does not cheat. He does not steal money.
He is... [ Continue Reading ]
A murderer has a bad conscience. So he is afraid of people. At any
time, they could guess what he has done. A murderer knows that he
deserves punishment. His actions are very evil.
God’s law says, ‘Do not murder!’ (Deuteronomy 5:17). So do not
help a murderer to escape.
But God can forgive even a... [ Continue Reading ]
The honest man is safe because God protects him. God sees the man’s
honest behaviour. And God loves that man.
But sometimes, honest people suffer. See the Book of Job in the Bible.
God allowed the devil to test Job. Job’s friends thought that Job
suffered because of his evil deeds. But Job was an h... [ Continue Reading ]
Do not be lazy! Do not continue to sleep when you should work! You
might prefer to imagine good things. You might not want to work. But
your imagination cannot provide your food. So you need to work.
Some church leaders imagine that their churches will achieve many
things. They speak about their id... [ Continue Reading ]
You can trust the first man. So pay him well! Christians should behave
like this man. Other people should be able to trust a Christian.
But the second man only wants your money. He wants the money, but he
does not care about the work. So he is not careful. He does not do the
job well. And he does n... [ Continue Reading ]
A good person is always fair. But some people do not care whether
their actions are good or evil. They only want money. Or they only
want a reward. And if someone rewards them, they will do anything.
They would even do evil things.
A sandwich is not a big reward. But even such a small gift is enoug... [ Continue Reading ]
This man is greedy. He does not want to share anything with other
people. He supposes that this attitude will make him rich. But his
scheme is stupid. He needs friends, but he will lose his friends. They
will hate his attitudes. And the greedy man will waste his own
possessions. And God will punish... [ Continue Reading ]
We all need to know the truth. We need to know when we are wrong. We
need to accept words of correction. These words may not seem pleasant.
We might feel terrible when we hear these words. We might prefer to
hear that we are right. But a lie does not help us.... [ Continue Reading ]
This man ought to provide for his parents. He should look after them.
See Mark 7:9-13. Instead, the man steals his parents’ money. And he
imagines that he deserves the money. This is terrible. This man is a
very evil son.
Jesus told a story about a similar subject in Luke 15:11-24. A young
man took... [ Continue Reading ]
If you love your own possessions, you cause trouble. So trust God! He
will protect you. And he will provide for you.... [ Continue Reading ]
Do not trust yourself! Trust God! You will become wise if you trust
God. And you will be safe, because God will protect you.... [ Continue Reading ]
God wants us to be generous. If we are generous, then God will help
us. See Psalms 37:25-26 and Luke 6:38.... [ Continue Reading ]
See Proverbs 28:12.... [ Continue Reading ]