See also verse 11. Agur again warns that we must respect our parents. The behaviour of a son who insults his parents is terrible. Agur describes a terrible fate for that son. The son did not respect his parents. And nobody will respect the son, even after his death. Nobody will care enough even to bury his body. This fate would upset everybody in Israel. They thought that proper graves were very important.

v18 There are 3 wonderful things.

There are 4 things that I cannot explain.

These things are:

v19 an eagle (bird) that moves in the sky;

• a snake that moves on a rock;

• a ship that moves on the sea;

• and a man with a woman.

v20 A woman has sex with a man who is not her husband.

She acts as if she has only eaten.

Innocently, she says, ‘I did nothing wrong.’

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