Wisdom offers a real reward. Wisdom will benefit our whole lives. If you refuse to be wise, then you will suffer.

The woman called Wisdom finishes her speech. This is her final speech in the Book of Proverbs. The poem is also approaching its end. But then we see another woman. This second woman is also shouting out. She also has an invitation. She too offers a meal. If you are simple, then you might confuse this other woman with Wisdom. If you are simple, then you might make a terrible mistake.

v13 Another woman shouts aloud. She is called ‘The Foolish Woman’.

She knows nothing. She has no discipline.

v14 She sits by the door of her house.

She sits in the highest place in the city.

v15 She calls to those who pass her.

She calls as they walk straight ahead.

v16 ‘If you are simple, then come here!’

She says this to the unwise people.

v17 ‘The water that we steal, tastes good.

The food that we eat in secret is wonderful.’

v18 Dead people are in her house. The man that she attracts does not know this.

He does not know that her previous guests are in hell.

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