The servants of Wisdom (the woman) go to fetch the guests. Wisdom herself has invited the guests. Everyone can hear her message because everyone must choose whether to learn to be wise.

In Luke 14:15-24, Jesus told a story about a meal. A man invited all his friends to a great meal, but they all refused. The man was very angry. If his friends would not come, then other people must enjoy his great meal. He invited poor people and ill people. He invited blind people. He invited people who could not walk. Everybody was welcome.

Jesus’ story means that we should invite everyone to become Christians. If our friends refuse, we must invite other people. We can invite poor people and ill people. We can invite people that we do not like. We can even invite our enemies. God wants us to do this. In heaven, God is preparing a great meal. God’s house must be full of people. If our friends refuse, they will not be at God’s great meal. Other people will take their place.

v4 ‘If you are simple, then come here!’

She says this to the unwise people.

v5 ‘Come, and eat my food!

Drink the wine that I have poured!

v6 Leave your simple ways and live wisely!’

v7 Do not stop someone who is insulting other people! He will only insult you.

Do not correct an evil man! He will attack you.

v8 Do not correct someone who is insulting other people! He will hate you for your interruption.

Show a wise man how he is wrong! He will love you for your correction.

v9 Teach a wise man and he will become still wiser.

Teach a good man and he will learn more.

v10 Respect God! This is the first lesson in wisdom.

Know God! This is intelligence.

v11 I am Wisdom. If you learn from me, you will have a long life.

v12 If you are wise, then your wisdom will reward you.

If you insult other people, then only you will suffer.’

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