God’s *grace trains us in two ways. It teaches us to give up anything bad. It guides us to do good things. When someone becomes a Christian, he or she starts a new life. In Colossians 3:9-10, Paul said that a person ‘takes off’ his old character. Then he ‘puts on’ his new character, which is like Christ’s character. After that, Christians have to learn how to behave in the right way. As they understand more about God’s *grace, they learn how to please God.

God’s *grace teaches us to refuse the bad things:

1 People can oppose God in their behaviour, words and thoughts. They also oppose God when they neglect God and his truth.

2 Christians should not satisfy their wicked desires (1 John 2:15-16). These desires are selfish.

God’s *grace teaches us to live in the right way:

1 towards ourselves. We will control all our desires. We will control how we behave.

2 towards other people. We will be fair and honest with other people.

3 towards God himself. We will behave in a way that brings honour to God. We will do only the things that please God. This right behaviour shows that a person is a true Christian.

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