Paul did not tell Titus to teach the young women. The older women had to teach them. The older women had a lot of experience and wisdom. They had learned how to be good wives and mothers. So, they could advise the younger women when they had problems in married life. They could teach the young women how to be kind to their children. When a woman loves someone, she does not just have good feelings. Paul describes more about the qualities of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

The young women

Verse 5

In that society, most of the young women were married. Some were widows. But Paul suggested that the widows should marry again (1 Timothy 5:14-15).

1 The young women should learn how to control themselves. They should be sensible. They should behave well.

2 They should be pure. They should avoid *sin and they should have a good character. They should be morally good.

3 In those days, a married woman worked in her home. She was responsible for everything that happened in her home. Therefore, she should not be lazy. Instead, she should be willing to work hard and serve her husband and her family.

4 They should be kind. A kind woman is helpful. She tries to please other people, so she is not selfish.

5 They should obey their husband. A wife knows that her husband is the head in their home (Ephesians 5:22-24). It is much easier for a wife to obey her husband if she loves him. And she should respect him too.

Women must behave in these ways so that no one can say evil things about the Christian message. This may refer to wives whose husbands are not Christians. Their husbands might believe the good news if their wives made a safe and happy home. And they would be more likely to believe if their wives obeyed them (1 Peter 3:1-2). It could also mean that the Christian good news would attract other people.

v6 In a similar way, urge the young men to control themselves. v7 In every way you should be a model to them. You should do what is good. Be honest and be serious as you teach. v8 Speak the truth so that nobody can say bad things against you. Then the people who oppose you will be ashamed. They will not have anything bad to say about us.

The young men

Verse 6

Paul used the strong word ‘urge’. It means to teach and to persuade. Young people, especially young men, are often tempted to do wrong things. They may be too confident because they do not have enough experience or wisdom. They do not understand what can go wrong with a bold plan. They may live or work away from the discipline of a good home. They may be careless about the friends that they choose. If they are not yet married, they can please themselves. If they have a wife and family, they may not realise their responsibilities.

It is very important that all Christians should control themselves properly. They should control:

1 how they act

2 what they say

3 what they think about

4 how they express their emotions

5 their desires

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