1 CHRONICLES—NOTE ON 1 Chronicles 17:10 Rather than David building Yahweh a house, God will build... a house for David, in the form of a lasting dynasty. Your offspring after you refers to Solomon. The declaration he shall build a house for me, and I will establish his throne forever suggests that Solomon’s building the temple is the act of obedience that will secure the promise. God’s steadfast love will never be withdrawn from him as it was from Saul. David’s successor will not be without sin, but God’s love for David’s house and his commitment to it will surpass its failings. Hebrews 1:5 applies the words I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son to Christ, because as Messiah he inherits David’s role of representing God’s people (his “son,” Exodus 4:22; see Psalms 89:26).

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