1 TIMOTHY—NOTE ON 1 Timothy 4:10 to this end. The goal of Paul’s ministry is that people attain “godliness” and its eternal “value” (v. 1 Timothy 4:8). Toil and strive is typical of Paul’s description of gospel ministry (compare 1 Timothy 5:17; Romans 16:6, Romans 16:12; 1 Corinthians 16:16; Galatians 4:11). The statement that God is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe could seem to teach universalism—that everyone will eventually be saved. However, the rest of Scripture clearly denies this idea (see note on 1 Tim. 2:4). There are several other possible explanations for this phrase: (1) Christ died for all people, but only those who believe in him are saved. (2) Christ is offered to all people, though not all receive him. (3) Christ is the Savior of all people, namely, those who believe. (4) Christ is the helper of all people, taking “Savior,” to refer to how God helps and protects people in need. (5) Christ is the Savior of all kinds of people, both Jews and Greeks. In any case, the emphasis is on God’s care for the unsaved world. On God as “Savior,” see note on 2 Tim. 1:8–10.

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