2 SAMUEL—NOTE ON 2 Samuel 7:1 This chapter, with its promise of the Messiah, is a key passage in the history of salvation. Verses 2 Samuel 7:8 are often described as the “Davidic covenant,” even though the word “covenant” does not appear there. This covenant is described in Psalms 89:3, using the words “I have made a covenant with my chosen one.” The Lord states that he will establish David’s house forever, and he promises David an eternal throne. This points to Solomon, who would “sit on the throne of Israel” and build “the house for the name of the LORD” (1 Kings 8:20). The promise will be completely fulfilled in Jesus, the Messiah who will sit on the throne eternally, thus establishing David’s throne forever (2 Samuel 7:16; Luke 1:32). See 2 Chronicles 13:5; 2 Chronicles 21:7; Psalms 89:20; Jeremiah 33:17.

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