2 TIMOTHY—NOTE ON 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture, as Paul uses the term here, would include all of the OT and at least some NT writings, which by this time were already considered Scripture (see 1 Timothy 5:18 and note; 2 Peter 3:15 and note). Breathed out by God translates a Greek word that does not occur in any known Greek text (biblical or otherwise) prior to this letter. Some suggest that Paul invented this term from words meaning “God” and “breathed.” This is certainly possible. The term stresses the divine origin and thus the authority of Scripture. Paul says that the writings themselves are the words spoken (“breathed out”) by God. The opponents of Paul and Timothy stressed certain aspects or portions of Scripture (such as genealogies, 1 Timothy 1:4; see Titus 3:9). Paul stresses the authority of all Scripture. The divine origin of Scripture is the reason for its power to convert (2 Timothy 3:15) and its usefulness in training (v. 2 Timothy 3:17).

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