DANIEL—NOTE ON Daniel 11:6 the daughter of the king of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement. There was constant conflict between the Ptolemaic (Egyptian) and Seleucid (Syrian) kingdoms. Around 250 B.C. there was an attempt at peace. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (reigned 285–246; “the king of the south”) sent his daughter Berenice to marry Antiochus II Theos (reigned 261–246; “the king of the north”). Antiochus II then planned to divorce his first wife, Laodice, and disinherit her sons so that he could marry Berenice and have a child who would rule over the Seleucid kingdom. But Laodice had Antiochus II and Berenice poisoned, fulfilling the words she shall not retain the strength of her arm and he and his arm shall not endure.

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