EZEKIEL—NOTE ON Ezekiel 32:17 This is the seventh and final oracle against Egypt and the last of the entire foreign-nation oracle collection. It returns to a theme introduced briefly in an oracle on the sinking of Tyre in Ezekiel 26:20, and already used against Egypt in Ezekiel 31:14, Ezekiel 31:16. In a grand finale, all the nations are gathered together in the pit (Ezekiel 32:18), in Sheol (v. Ezekiel 32:21), the place of the dead. Egypt joins them there, Pharaoh receiving no comfort from the welcome he receives (v. Ezekiel 32:31). In drawing the nations together in this place over which God alone has power, Ezekiel again demonstrates God’s sovereignty. This oracle occurs two weeks later than the previous one (fifteenth day; compare “first day,” v. Ezekiel 32:1).

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