HEBREWS—NOTE ON Hebrews 12:25 They did not escape applies especially to the exodus generation (vv. Hebrews 12:18, Hebrews 12:26), who rejected the voice of the one who spoke (Hebrews 3:7; see also Hebrews 4:2; Hebrews 10:28). much less will we escape. Most commentators believe this refers to the danger of eternal judgment upon those who reject him who warns from heaven. Some have argued that such rejection of God can be committed by true believers, since “we” in the phrase “much less will we escape” includes the believing author. It seems best to understand the “we” as a reference to current church participants, some of whom may not have possessed true faith (see notes on 10:26–27; 10:28–29). Another view is that the warnings are addressed to true believers and that the warnings are the means that God uses to keep his own from committing apostasy and to challenge believers to persevere in their faith (see note on 6:4–8).

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