HOSEA—NOTE ON Hosea 3:3 You must dwell as mine has the force of a command. The separation of Gomer/Israel will lead to her purification, rededication, and renewal. This separation will mean giving up those things that led to Israel’s spiritual unfaithfulness: king and prince, who failed in keeping Israel faithful to the Lord (see Hosea 1:4; Hosea 8:4); sacrifice, which they offered to the Baals (see Hosea 11:2; Hosea 13:1); the cult pillar (see Hosea 10:2), popular in Canaanite religion; the ephod, which was improperly used as a tool for magical ceremonies; and household gods, idols prohibited from Israel’s religion (Judges 17:5; 2 Kings 23:24; Zechariah 10:2). The Lord’s removing these things, far from being incompatible with his love, is a major aspect of it.

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