JOHN—NOTE ON John 18:28 The governor’s headquarters has long been identified with the Antonia Fortress on the northwest corner of the Temple Mount. This large fortress allowed immediate access to the temple to stop any disturbance. However, many scholars believe that the Palace of Herod the Great would have afforded better accommodations for Pilate. This palace fortress, today called the Citadel, was at the western corner of the city. Early morning probably means shortly after sunrise, when the Sanhedrin met in formal session and pronounced its verdict on Jesus (Matthew 27:1 and parallels). not be defiled. According to tradition, Jews could not go into a Gentile building or home with a roof on it without becoming ceremonially unclean. Passover may refer to the entire Feast of Unleavened Bread, which lasted seven days (see Luke 22:1). Thus “eat the Passover” probably means “continue to celebrate the ongoing feast” (compare 2 Chronicles 30:21). The other Gospels state that Jesus had already eaten the Passover Feast with his disciples (Matthew 26:17; Luke 22:1; see also John 13:1).

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