MARK—NOTE ON Mark 16:9 “Longer Ending of Mark.” Some ancient manuscripts of Mark’s Gospel contain these verses and others do not. Early church fathers did not appear to know of these verses. Eusebius and Jerome state that this section is missing in most manuscripts available at their time. And some manuscripts that contain vv. Mark 16:9 indicate that older manuscripts lack the section. As for the verses themselves, they contain various Greek words and expressions uncommon to Mark, and there are stylistic differences as well. Many think this shows vv. Mark 16:9 to be a later addition. In summary, vv. Mark 16:9 should be read with caution. As in many translations, the editors of the esv have placed the section within brackets, showing their doubts as to whether it was originally part of what Mark wrote. Most of the content of these verses is found elsewhere in the NT, and no point of doctrine is affected by their absence or presence. Verse Mark 16:18 does not command believers to pick up serpents or to drink deadly poison; it merely promises protection if such a thing were to occur (see Acts 28:3; James 5:13).

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