MATTHEW—NOTE ON Matthew 11:3 Are you the one who is to come? John is probably concerned because his current imprisonment does not match his understanding of the Coming One’s arrival. He thought the Messiah would bless those who repented and judge those who did not (see note on 3:11). Jesus’ ministry, however, is in line with prophetic promises about the time of salvation: the blind receive sight (Isaiah 29:18; Isaiah 35:5; see Matthew 9:27), the lame walk (Isaiah 35:6; see Matthew 15:30), lepers are cured (Isaiah 53:4; see Matthew 8:1), the deaf hear (Isaiah 29:18; Isaiah 35:5; see Mark 7:32), the dead are raised (Isaiah 26:18; see Matthew 10:8; Luke 7:11; John 11:1), and the good news is preached to the poor (Isaiah 61:1; see Matthew 5:3; Luke 14:13, Luke 14:21). Jesus’ deeds gave sufficient proof of who he was and that the prophesied time of salvation had come (“the year of the Lord’s favor”; Isaiah 61:1).

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