NUMBERS—NOTE ON Numbers 31:1 The Midianites were nomadic people who lived in the deserts on the outside edges of Canaan. They were associated with the Ishmaelites, Amalekites, and Moabites. It is the Moabite Midianites who are discussed here. Urged on by Balaam (v. Numbers 31:16), they had seduced the Israelites into worshiping Baal at Peor (ch. Numbers 25:1). Since persuading Israelites to worship other gods is a capital offense (see Deuteronomy 13:1), the Lord instructs the people to go to war against these Midianites. This will be the last campaign headed by Moses (Numbers 31:1), but the Israelites will fight many similar battles against the enemies of God after they enter Canaan.

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