PHILIPPIANS—NOTE ON Philippians 2:7 emptied himself. The Greek can also mean “give up status and privilege.” Paul is not saying that Christ became less than God or gave up any of his divine attributes. Nor is he discussing whether Jesus was all-powerful or all-knowing during his time on earth. Nor is he saying that Christ ever gave up being “in the form of God” (v. Philippians 2:6). Rather, Paul is saying that, even though Christ had all the privileges of being King of the universe, he gave them up to become a Jewish baby bound for the cross. He “emptied himself” by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. He had every right to stay in a position of power, but his love for sinful mankind drove him to accept a lowly position (compare 2 Corinthians 8:9). The “emptying” consisted of his becoming human, not of giving up any part of his true deity.

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