Psalm PSALM—NOTE ON Psalms 106:1. This historical psalm (see notes on Psalms 78 and 105) retells a series of events from Israel’s history to illustrate God’s steadfast love in the face of Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness. The events occurred during Israel’s time in the wilderness (Exodus 1:1 and Numbers 1:1) and when Israel repeatedly rebelled against the Lord after Joshua’s death (Judges 1:1). All of the episodes are instances of the whole people being unfaithful. In each instance God continues to maintain this people and to create conditions in which holiness can flourish. The focus is therefore on corporate unfaithfulness and forgiveness. The psalm begins by calling on the people to give thanks and praise to God (Psalms 106:1). It ends in a prayer that the God who has shown such patience will once again deliver his people, apparently this time from exile (v. Psalms 106:47). In view of the ending, it is best to call this psalm a community lament.

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