REVELATION—NOTE ON Revelation 20:1 These verses, the last of three “interludes” in Revelation 1:1 (see note on 7:1–17), are among the most controversial in the book. Scholars disagree about the meaning of the “thousand years.” The three main views are: (1) Premillennialists believe Christ will return “pre” [before] the millennium. They think this thousand years (or millennium) is a future time of great peace and justice. They usually consider this to be a literal 1,000-year period that will begin when Christ returns to reign on earth. He will be King, and resurrected believers will reign with him. (2) Postmillennialists believe that Christ will return “post” [after] the millennial period. They think that before Christ returns to earth the gospel will spread and triumph. Societies will be transformed. Peace and justice will reign on earth for a thousand years (or for a long period of time). After this, Christ will return for the final judgment. (3) Amillennialists hold an “a” [non-literal] millennial view. They think this thousand years is the same period as this present church age. They believe there will be no future “millennium” before Christ returns for the final judgment. Each of these views is within the framework of historic Christian orthodoxy.

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