“Now these things befel them by way of example” “(τυπικῶς) or “typically,” “prefiguratively,” if the other rendering of τύποι in 1 Corinthians 10:6 be preferred (“in figura contingebant illis,” Vg [1454]); the adv [1455] became current in the latter sense in eccl [1456] Gr [1457] The judgments quoted were exemplary in their nature; the story of them serves as a lesson for all time “they were written with a view to (πρὸς) our admonition”. συνέβαινον, impf., of the train of events; ἐγράφη, aor [1458], of the act of record summing them up. For the admonitory purpose of O.T. writers, see Isaiah 8:16; Isaiah 30:8 ff., Habakkuk 2:2 f., Deuteronomy 31:19 ff. “Unto whom the ends of the ages have reached” (κατήντηκεν, devenerunt, Vg [1459]) “whom they have overtaken”. καταντάω signifies reaching a mark, “arriving at” a definite point, whether the ultimate goal or not (see parls.). τὰ τέλη τῶν αἰώνων is syn [1460] with ἡ συντέλεια τ. αἰώνων (Matthew 13:40, etc.) and other eschatological expressions (cf. 1 Peter 1:20; Hebrews 1:2; also Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10); the pl [1461] indicates the manifold issues culminating in the Christian Church. “World-ages” (αἰῶνες) do not simply follow each other, but proceed side by side; so in particular the age of Israel and that of the Gentiles” (Hf [1462]); “the ends” of Jewish and Pagan history alike are disclosed in Christianity; both streams converged, under God's direction (cf. Acts 15:15 ff; Acts 17:26 ff.), upon the Gentile Churches (τέλος has the double sense of conclusion and aim). The Church is the heir of the spiritual training of mankind; cf., for the general idea, John 4:37 f., 2 Timothy 3:16 f., Galatians 3:29; Ephesians 1:9 ff.

[1454] Latin Vulgate Translation.

[1455] adverb

[1456] ecclesiastical.

[1457] Greek, or Grotius' Annotationes in N.T.

[1458] aorist tense.

[1459] Latin Vulgate Translation.

[1460] synonym, synonymous.

[1461] plural.

[1462] J. C. K. von Hofmann's Die heilige Schrift N.T. untersucht, ii. 2 (2te Auflage, 1874).

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