If the T.R. be correct, τοῦτο (repeated in 1 Corinthians 11:22 b) points to the instruction about to be given respecting the Lord's Supper: “Moreover (δέ), in giving you this charge I do not praise (you), seeing that, etc.”: so Cm [1666] and Gr [1667] Ff [1668], Er [1669], Est., Bg [1670], Hf [1671], Hn [1672], Sm [1673] In 1 Corinthians 11:3 ff. P. rectified an error, now he must censure a glaring fault; “le ton devient celui du blâme positif” (Gd [1674]); 1 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Corinthians 11:17 both detract, in different degrees, from the “praise” of 1 Corinthians 11:2. τοῦτο παραγγέλλων has to wait long for its explanation; P. lingers over his preliminary rehearsal of the founding of the Lord's Supper, and the “charge” is held in suspense; its gist becomes evident in 1 Corinthians 11:20 f. Neither the feminine indecorum censured in the last § (to which τοῦτο is referred by Mr [1675], Bt [1676], Gd [1677], El [1678], etc.), nor the contentiousness glanced at in 1 Corinthians 11:16 (by which Ev [1679] and Ed [1680] explain it), has been, strictly speaking, matter of a charge; moreover, the backward ref [1681] of τοῦτο involves the awkwardness of associating ἐπαινῶ and its introductory ptp [1682] with disconnected objects; these interpretations better fit the other reading, παραγγέλλω … ἐπαινῶν. With certain specific and solemn injunctions respecting the Eucharist in view, P. says, “I do not praise (you), in that not for the better but for the worse you come together”. ὅτι, with the like broad sense as in 1 Corinthians 1:5; 1 Corinthians 9:10, gives at once the content and ground of dispraise. The general profitlessness of the Church assemblies reached its climax in the desecration of the Lord's Supper, their hallowing bond (1 Corinthians 10:16 f.).

[1666] John Chrysostom's Homiliœ († 407).

[1667] Greek, or Grotius' Annotationes in N.T.

[1668] Fathers.

[1669] Erasmus' In N.T. Annotationes.

[1670] Bengel's Gnomon Novi Testamenti.

[1671] J. C. K. von Hofmann's Die heilige Schrift N.T. untersucht, ii. 2 (2te Auflage, 1874).

[1672] C. F. G. Heinrici's Erklärung der Korintherbriefe (1880), or 1 Korinther in Meyer's krit.-exegetisches Kommentar (1896).

[1673] P. Schmiedel, in Handcommentar zum N.T. (1893).

[1674] F. Godet's Commentaire sur la prem. Ép. aux Corinthiens (Eng. Trans.).

[1675] Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Commentary (Eng. Trans.).

[1676] J. A. Beet's St. Paul's Epp. to the Corinthians (1882).

[1677] F. Godet's Commentaire sur la prem. Ép. aux Corinthiens (Eng. Trans.).

[1678] C. J. Ellicott's St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians.

[1679] T. S. Evans in Speaker's Commentary.

[1680] T. C. Edwards' Commentary on the First Ep. to the Corinthians. 2

[1681] reference.

[1682] participle

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