1 Corinthians 5:1

Ὅλως ἀκούεται κ. τ. λ.: “There is actually fornication heard of amongst you!” No wonder that the father of the Church is compelled to show the “rod” (1 Corinthians 4:21). Not ἀκούω, as in 1 Corinthians 11:18, but the impersonal ἀκούεται (_cf._ ἠκούσθη, Mark 2:1), indicating _common report_ in the Ch... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:1-8

§ 15. THE CASE OF INCEST. About the party-strifes at Cor [801] P. has been informed by the members of a particular family (1 Corinthians 1:11); the monstrous case of incest, to which he turns abruptly and without any preface (_cf._ 1 Corinthians 1:10), is notorious. [801] Corinth, Corinthian or Cor... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:2

What are the Cor [805] doing under this deep disgrace? _Not even grieving_. Καὶ ὑμεῖς πεφυσιωμένοι ἐστέ; κ. τ. λ.: “And are you (still) puffed up? and did you not rather mourn?” For the grammatical force of πεφυσ. ἐστέ, see parls. in 1Co 1:10, 1 Corinthians 4:8; and for the vb [806], note to 1 Corin... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:3-5

The _removal_ of the culprit is, in any case, a settled matter: ἐγὼ μὲν γάρ, “For _I_ at least” … ἤδη κέκρικα, “have already decided” without waiting till you should act or till I could come. For ἤδη see note, 1 Corinthians 4:8; κέκρικα, pf. of judgment that has determinate effect. f1μέν _solitarium... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:6

“Your vaunt is not good:” καύχημα, _materies gloriandi_ (_cf._ αἰσχρὸν κλέος, Eurip., _Helena_, 135: Mr [834]), found in the state of the Church, of which the Cor [835] were proud (1 Corinthians 4:6 ff.) when they ought to have been ashamed. καλόν, _good_ in the sense of _seemly, of fine quality; cf... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:7

ἐκκαθάρατε, “Cleanse out” the aor [837] implying a _summary_, and ἐκ - a _complete_ removal (see parls.; for simple καθαίρω, John 15:2), leaving the Church “clean”: an allusion to the pre-Paschal removal of leaven (Exodus 12:15 ff; Exodus 13:7). For τ. παλαιὰν ζύμην, _cf._ Ignatius, _ad Magn._, 10,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:8

[837] aorist tense. [838] Corinth, Corinthian or Corinthians. [839] J. A. Beet's _St. Paul's Epp. to the Corinthians_ (1882). 1 Corinthians 5:8 explains the symbolical ἄζυμοι. Participation in the sacrifice of Christ presumes unleavenedness in the participants; the unleavened bread and the passove... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:9

“I wrote to you in the (my) letter” the last the Cor [851] had received from P., which is recalled by the matter just discussed. The Ff [852], except Ambrosiaster (? Hilary of Rome, prob. Isaac, a converted Jew), referred the ἔγραψα _to this Ep._, reading the vb [853] as _epistolary aorist_ (as in 1... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:9-13

§ 16. A PREVIOUS LETTER MISREAD. The Cor [850] Church were taking no action against the offender of § 15; in this neglect they disregarded the Apostle's instructions conveyed by some recent letter. These instructions they appear to have misunderstood, reading them as though Paul forbade Christians t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:10

gives the needful definition of the above injunction. οὐ πάντως is best understood as by Er [859] (_non omnino_), Cv [860] (_neque in universum_), Mr [861], Bt [862], Ed [863], El [864], as _not absolutely, not altogether_, οὐ negativing πάντως and making the inhibition a qualified one: “I did not a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:11

νῦν δὲ ἔγραψα, “But now I have written” in contrast to the Εγραψα … ἐν τῇ ἐπιστ. of 1 Corinthians 5:9 : “If any one doubted the purport of the former letter, it shall be impossible to mistake my meaning _now_ ”. The _logical_ (not temporal) sense of νῦν (or νυνί) is preferred by some interpreters: “... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 5:12,13

τί γάρ μοι τοὺς ἔξω κ. τ. λ.; “For what business of mine is it (_Quid mea refert?_ Cv [879]) to judge those that are outside? (Is it) not those within (that) you judge, while those without God judges?” By these questions P. justifies his excluding the impure ἀδελφὸς ὀνομαζ. from the communion and so... [ Continue Reading ]

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