gives the needful definition of the above injunction. οὐ πάντως is best understood as by Er [859] (non omnino), Cv [860] (neque in universum), Mr [861], Bt [862], Ed [863], El [864], as not absolutely, not altogether, οὐ negativing πάντως and making the inhibition a qualified one: “I did not altogether forbid your holding intercourse with the fornicators of this world”. To make the πάντως emphasise the οὐ (as in Romans 3:9) “Assuredly I did not mean to forbid association with fornicators outside the Church” (Lt [865]) is to lend the passage the air of recommending association with unconverted profligates! What applies to one sort of immorality applies to others: ἢ τ. πλεονέκταις καὶ ἅρπαξιν ἢ εἰδωλολάτραις, “or with the covetous and rapacious, or with idolaters”. The πλεονεκται (from πλέον and ἔχω : see parls.) are the self-aggrandising in general; ἅρπαγες, those who seize with violence; sins of greed are frequent in commercial cities. “Idolaters”(the first appearance of the word in literature: cf. notes on 1 Corinthians 8:1 and 1 Corinthians 10:19) included the entire pagan world; Cor [866] idolatry was specially associated with sensual sin. ἐπεὶ … ἄρα κ. τ. λ., “since in that case” the logical consequence of absolute non-intercourse “you were bound to go out of the world!” ἑτέραν οἰκουμένην ὠφείλετε ζητῆσαι (Thp [867]). One could not pursue any avocation at Cor [868] without daily contact with such sinners. ὠφείλετε, in the impf [869] tense of the unfulfilled condition (implied in ἄρα); for the omission, common with vbs. of this nature, of the ἂν of contingency, see Wr [870], p. 382, and cf. Hebrews 9:26. For the principle implied as against the cloister see John 17:14-19.

[859] Erasmus' In N.T. Annotationes.

[860] Calvin's In Nov. Testamentum Commentarii.

[861] Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Commentary (Eng. Trans.).

[862] J. A. Beet's St. Paul's Epp. to the Corinthians (1882).

[863] T. C. Edwards' Commentary on the First Ep. to the Corinthians. 2

[864] C. J. Ellicott's St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians.

[865] J. B. Lightfoot's (posthumous) Notes on Epp. of St. Paul (1895).

[866] Corinth, Corinthian or Corinthians.

[867] Theophylact, Greek Commentator.

[868] Corinth, Corinthian or Corinthians.

[869]mpf. imperfect tense.

[870] Winer-Moulton's Grammar of N.T. Greek (8th ed., 1877).

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