ἐκκαθάρατε, “Cleanse out” the aor [837] implying a summary, and ἐκ - a complete removal (see parls.; for simple καθαίρω, John 15:2), leaving the Church “clean”: an allusion to the pre-Paschal removal of leaven (Exodus 12:15 ff; Exodus 13:7). For τ. παλαιὰν ζύμην, cf. Ignatius, ad Magn., 10, τ. κακὴν ζύμην τ. παλαιωιθεῖσαν κ. ἐνοξίσασαν, applying, however, to Judaism what here relates to Gentile vice. The “old leaven” (denoting not persons the incestuous and his like but influences: see

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Old Testament