= Isaiah 43:9, ἁμ. being put for ἀνομίαν (חמם) and εὑρ. δόλος (so [149] c [150] [151]

[152], etc.) for δόλον (= Heb.) of LXX. The latter variation is due to conjunction of Zephaniah 3:13, οὐ μὴ εὑρεθῇ έν τῷ στόματι αὐτῶν γλῶσσα δολία : Christ being identified with the Remnant. The former appears in the Targum: “that they might not remain who work sin and might not speak guile with their mouth”.

[149] Codex Sinaiticus (sæc. iv.), now at St. Petersburg, published in facsimile type by its discoverer, Tischendorf, in 1862.

[150] a Codex Sinaiticus (sæc. iv.), now at St. Petersburg, published in facsimile type by its discoverer, Tischendorf, in 1862.

[151] Codex Alexandrinus (sæc. v.), at the British Museum, published in photographic facsimile by Sir E. M. Thompson (1879).

[152] An eighth century version of Codex Vaticanus

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