τοῦτο κ. τ. λ. The primary reference is to εὐχαριστεῖτε, but the preceding imperatives are so closely bound up with this, that it is needless to exclude them from the scope of the θέλημα. ἐν Χ. Ἰ. This glad acceptance of life's rain and sunshine alike as from the hand of God, Jesus not only exemplified (cf. context of μιμηταὶ … τοῦ Κυρίου, 1 Thessalonians 1:6) but also enabled all who keep in touch with him to realise. The basis of it is the Christian revelation and experience; apart from the living Lord it is neither conceivable nor practicable (cf. R. H. Hutton's Modern Guides of English Thought, pp. 122 f.).

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Old Testament