χωρὶς τῶν παρ. κ. τ. λ.: besides the things which I omit (see reff., and cf. Hebrews 11:32; the A.V. “those things that are without” = vulg. quae sunt extrinsecus, is wrong), there is that which presseth upon me daily, anxiety for all the churches (see on 2 Corinthians 8:18). ἐπισύστασις of the rec. text means a combination for hostile purposes, and is used of Korah's rebellion in Numbers 16:40; Numbers 26:9, in which latter place we have the same textual variants as here (cf. also: 1Es 5:73). This may be the true reading, both here and at Acts 24:12, for the syllable συ might readily drop out in transcription. If it be adopted here it would refer to the cabals of the Apostle's adversaries = “the daily combination against me,” and would thus indicate a trial distinct from “the care of all the churches,” which is next mentioned. But, although this gives a good sense, we prefer to read ἐπίστασις as better supported both here and at Acts 24:12 (the only places of its occurrence in N.T.). Polybius uses the word as = “attention,” “close observation,” but this will not suit Acts 24:12. It is found in 2Ma 6:3 as = “visitation” or “pressure,” and the latter rendering seems best to satisfy the context here. We have therefore followed the Revisers in adopting the Vulgate rendering instantia = “that which presseth,” and in taking ἡ μέριμνα κ. τ. λ. as in apposition with ἡ ἐπίστασις.

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Old Testament