καινοὺς δὲ οὐρανοὺς … προσδοκῶμεν. Cf. Isaiah 65:17. ἔσται γὰρ ὁ οὐρανὸς καινὸς καὶ ἡ γῆ καινή. Enoch xci. 16. See note on 2 Peter 3:7.

οὐρανός might appropriately be translated “sky”. ἐν οἷς δικαιοσύνη κατοικεῖ; “wherein righteousness dwells,” or “has its home”. In the word there is both the sense of permanence and of persuasive influence. Both in the hearts of men, and the new environment, there will be nothing that militates against righteousness. The Parousia is both judgment on the wicked and triumph for the kingdom. Cf. 2 Peter 3:7.

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Old Testament