νεωτερικὰς ἐπιθυμίας : “Every inordinate desire is a youthful lust. Let the aged learn that they ought not to do the deeds of the youthful”. (Chrys.). This is sound exegesis; yet it is reasonable to suppose that Timothy was still of an age to need the warning in its natural sense. See 1 Timothy 4:12. He has just been cautioned against errors of the intellect; he must be warned also (δὲ) against vices of the blood.

φεῦγε · δίωκε δὲ, κ. τ. λ.: See note on 1 Timothy 6:11.

εἰρήνην : to be joined closely with the following words, cf. Hebrews 12:14. While avoiding the company of evil men, he is to cultivate friendly relations with those who are sincere worshippers of the same God as himself. οἱ ἐπικαλούμενοι τὸν Κύριον, i.e., Christ, is almost a technical term for Christians. See reff. It comes ultimately from Joel 2:32 (2 Timothy 3:5).

ἐκ καθαρᾶς καρδίας is emphatic. See Titus 1:15-16.

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Old Testament