παῤῥησιάζεσθαι, see above on p. 242; whatever was the exact form of the belief of Apollos, he had at all events the courage of his convictions. ἀκούσαντες showing that Priscilla and Aquila had not separated themselves from their fellow-countrymen. προσελάβοντο, cf. Acts 17:5, i.e., for instruction in private. ἀκριβέστερον : on its use by St. Luke see above on Acts 18:25. The word is used by Dioscorides in his preface to his De Materia Medica : see Weiss-Meyer's Kommentar on Luke 1:1, and Vogel, p. 17, as an instance of medical language. ἐξέθεντο : we are not told whether he was baptised, but Acts 19:5 makes it probable that he was; see Zöckler's note. “Qui Jesum Christum novit, potentes in Scriptura docere potest,” Bengel, and Vogel u. s.

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Old Testament